Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Day After Valentine's Day - February 15, 2008

Love day did not stop for me on the 14th. My dad called me and asked me if I was doing anything Friday/Saturday. Besides, practice for the Passion play I told him no. He said he and mom wanted to come up to spend some time with me. They live in Trumbull, (Bridgeport town line). I was so excited....I love spending time with my dad....we can talk for hours.

When he came he had a stuffed teddy and a chocolate heart for ME!!!!! *sigh* I love my daddy so much.....I'm still his little girl at 47 years old. Every since I can remember, my father has given me a valentine's gift. My mom and I are his valentines.....
Again, many blessings flow from the abundance of God. Thank you Lord, for each one of them.

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