Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Snow/Ice Storm!!!! - February 13, 2008

This is has been an unbelievable day for me. I was lying in my bed, sleeping of course, at about 10:00 a.m. When I heard what sounded like lightning and then a rumble sound like an earthquake and then my room started to shake.

I jumped out of bed to see what had happened and started calling the boys. (there was no school due to the storm). My son Andrew came running to tell me that a tree had fallen on the house. I ran to the window and could not believe it. There is was, part of one of the trees in the yard, along with the branches from another was exactly on top of the roof right outside my bedroom window. I felt faint....I ran to the phone and call David at work. I did not know how much structural damage had been done to the home.

David came rushing home (thank God he works in Hartford now), and assess the damage. God had spared us from so much. First, the roof was intact. The branches did not break through any windows and it did not touch our central air conditioning unit right underneath it. The only damage we can see so far are the gutters.
Thank God.

I was filled with anxiety for a while, but then the peace of the Lord came upon me. He protected us from a severe disaster. When I looked out my bedroom window, I realize if the whole tree would have come down, it would have gone straight through the roof and lots of debris could have fallen right were I was sleeping.

I thank the Lord for his mercy and His protection. Amen.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Thank God you were not harmed. And the house was spared too. That's amazing!