Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Day with Maykinzie and Savanah

I spent the day a couple of weeks ago, at the playground with the two cutest little girls from my church. They hail from Texas. They've been at our church for 9 months and I have fallen in love with them. I had so much fun taking pictures of them and chatting with their mom Sarah. Sarah is the wife of my pastor's administrative assistant. Our church has a two year internship program for people who are studying to be pastors. They come to our church to become the Senior pastor's personal assistant and learn how t0 run a church.

Sarah and Robb (Pastor's assistant) Shull are the latest couple to fill in the spot. They came all the way from Texas. Sarah and I have been learning a lot from each other. She had never been, as she says "all the way up to New England". I'm teaching her the lifestyle up here and she tells me about life in Texas. She's a little homesick, but is enjoying her experience up here with the yanks. lol. Her opinion of yanks....we live a fast paced life, the girls go to college first then get married and everything is soooo expensive. She is loving the Puerto Rican food my husband has been cooking. She thought Mexican food was good....but we've changed her mind. She wants to learn to how to cook our food.

Speaking of pictures, my husband finally broke down and bought me another camera!!!!! It's the Nikon D300. This camera is the top of the line....I would say it's the "porsche" of the Nikon lines. I was soooo excited to take pictures of the girls with my new "baby". Here are a few pictures. For more pictures.....go to

This is Savanah Paige.

This is Makynzie Lacey.


Momagoose said...

Hi Aileen, I just thought I would check out my friends blogs and saw these pictures... WOW!!! How much would you charge to do some of our babies? These are so amazing! Please, let me know! call me 432-2273. Love, Jen Capps

Lola said...

Thanks...I'm glad you like the pics. I would love to take pictures of Lily and Jack. No charge for first time sitting!!!