Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas Eve to Christmas Day - 2007

On Christmas Eve Night, we traveled down to Stratford and Trumbull, Connecticut to have our annual family Christmas Dinner and get together. As usual, we had a great time and stuffed our faces with our traditional "Puerto Rican" meal. Yum, yum, yum.
At Midnight, the kids open their presents. We have been doing this for over 20 years. I have 3 nieces and 5 nephews, all my four brother's children. Most of them are over 18 now and it's half much fun to see just 3 little ones left who open theirs gifts. (The over 18 ones get money in cards). When they were all little, it was such a wonderful, chaotic time....soooo many gifts and seeing their giddy faces was priceless.

We still have such good laughs and make new memories every year. My brothers are such jokers they make anybody laugh with their antics. Sometimes I wonder, how did I survive in a home filled with men. My mom and I look at each other with knowing looks of how we were usually outnumbered. But, I wouldn't change it for the world.
We also celebrate my niece, Jacqueline's birthday. This year she turned 19. *gasp*. My princesses are growing up. Below is a picture of her with her parents (My brother Miguel and my sister-in-law Carmen)

After all the presents were opened, we all sat around...joking. My youngest brother told my two older brothers he had something he wanted them to see. He brought his Ipod Video and they all gather on the sofa to look at a video. Now, us, the women were wondering what was going on. Come to find out, they were looking at videos of Beyonce and also the PussyCats. I have never seen such grown men salivate at these singers on this litte Ipod cast. We had to laugh because they are so dumb sometimes. So we sat there and made fun of how old they were and they wish they had the strength to take on young woman like that!!!! Below is a picture of how intense they were looking at these videos.....they're sick....hahahahaha. (one brother was missing he left early....he had a date)

I've posted a few more pictures of the night....we didn't get to sleep until after 3:oo a.m.

That's my youngest princess, Ly'Nette:
And of course, as puertoricans there is always a little dancing involved. These are my nieces with my sister-in-law Ana.

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