Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas Day Has Arrived!

On Christmas Day we usually make our rounds. David takes the boys to see his parents. I go to see my aunts and close friends.
This is a picture of my wonderful Dad and my boys on Christmas morning. (Well, almost afternoon, we went to bed real late :0)

I went to my mom's sister's house and spend some time there. Then I went to see my Dad's sister (my aunt), who was very sad. She lost her husband in October after 63 years of marriage. It was sad not seeing him on that day. But he will always be in our hearts. I love them both soooo much. Here is a picture of them (with me) on their 60th Anniversary.

We had a wonderful visit with her, we were able to make her laugh and reminisce with my cousins there (her children).
Afterwards, I went to my close friends house and spent the rest of the day laughing and exchanging gifts.

This is my Goddaughter, Lucy and my "little" sis, Enith. (Babysat them both since birth). Gosh, I am advanced in years (in body only..hehehehe).

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