Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sad...Nostalgic day...

Hi Everyone......I have been so busy doing my Christmas shopping I haven't had time to do everything else.

Today is a sad day for marks the 2nd anniversary of my dear grandma's passing. I miss her soooo much. Not a day goes by that I do not think about her. I know she is in a better place and having a great all time. But, I miss our great times together.

I am including a poem that my cousin wrote when my grandmother passed away. We read it at her wake. She described my grandmother exactly how we all felt about her (especially us, her granddaughters). Here it goes:

"Mi Querida Abuelita"

(My beloved grandmama)

God blessed my life with two mothers, my birth mom, and mi querida abuelita.

Today my heart is heavy with pain, an my soul cries to God.

For I have lost someone precious to me: mi querida abuelita.

You were an angel handpicked for us by God; for God knew we Needed

your strength; your wisdom; your courage, your humor;

your Spirituality and most of all your love.

You were my comfort when I need it.

When life struck hard, you struck harder, You were fierce as a lion,

yet gentle as a lamb.

When my spirit was down you lifted me up. When life shred me to pieces,

you helped me pick up the pieces.

You were a prayer warrior, who stood tall in the face of danger

and challenged the enemy.

You were the calm after the storm, bringing peace

and harmony to my soul. When fear consumed me you held my

hand tight and shelter me.

You were and will always be my querida abuelita.

As you leave me you take a big piece of my heart with you,

but I won't say goodbye to you querida abuelita, because your face I will see

and your arms will embrace me again when you welcome me home.

I love you forever, mi querida abuelita!

I also received news that an old friend of the family pass away unexpectedly yesterday.....It's so hard to lose a loved one, but even harder to lose them at Christmas time. Please keep this family in your prayers.

God is good and life does go on. We have the blessed hope that we will one day see all our loved ones and praise God together in Heaven. Amen!

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