Monday, December 17, 2007

Shop 'till you Drop

As usual, I always wait to the last minute to do my Christmas shopping. I was at the stores all day today. When I got back home I see a Puerto Rican flag on top of an igloo my sons build.

Now understand, I am proud to be an American-Puerto Rican, but I do not like to diplay anything ethnic outside of my house. I will display the American flag because it's the country I live in. My son is very proud of his heritage, even though he doesn't speak, write or understand Spanish. When I saw the flag, I was mortified!!!! I don't even like to put anything on my car let alone my house.

But, I also had to boys....I love them. I went inside the house and told my son, Andrew to take it down. He told me he taken some pictures. (He does it because he knows it urks me....that's he's way of getting a good laugh) Of course, my little one right away told me, "Mommy, Andrew put the PR flag on the Igloo."

Now, I don't want you Puerto Ricans to jump all over me saying "you are not a 'real' P.R.". You know I don't want to draw attention to my heritage because if anything "bad" happens, the gossip is always "it has to be those Puerto Ricans who moved in down the street...they' all thugs. We knew the neighborhood would not be the sam" So I keep a low profile and try to be the best neighbor I can be and represent "my heritage" the best way I can. (I tell has to be the blood transfusion my mother got when she was pregnant of must of been some white persons blood they injected in me....hehehehehehe). Anyway, I was able to get some gifts today....tomorow it's back to the stores to shop, shop, shop. ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank GOD for Andrew and Jacob ... two PRs with SENSE!~ Love my flag!
Raquel, George and Ariel wish you all a wonderful, wonderful holiday ... we're looking forward to our annual photo!