Wednesday, February 13, 2008

CSI: Crossroads Student Impact Superbowl Party-February 3, 2008

We had such a blast with the youth at the Super Bowl Party. We had praise and worship. Mike Picard bought a wonderful message.

Afterwards, we started to watch the football game on the big screen. Between commercials, we had games for the youth to compete in. In this game, they had to drink sprite in a cup without using their hands and then run back with the cup empty to their next teammate who had to do the same. Its not as easy as it looks.The next had to throw pudding to the other person and make sure in landed in the persons mouth. (we usually played the game before with the other person not covered at all)

Jackie was screaming "I'm trying, put I can't do it". She was cute! (picture below)

The next game was called "Toe Cheese". The object is to eat as many nachos dipped in cheese from your partners toes (socks were used)

This is a hard game and if you don't like nachos....then you will puke!

They seemed like they were having a blast...

Olga had a good strategy going on. Her partner was Aria. (picture to the left)

There were many other games......

In this game the guys had to fine five cherries within all the whip cream. Once they found them, they had to spit them out. (They were supposed to search for them while doing push ups with one arm. Pastor Dave gave them a break and told them they could use both arms.) The winner was Josh Lopata. That's Mike's picture after the game was over. (left pic)

The last game was a relay....they had to carry someone in a blanket. The person in the blanket had to carry a bucket of ice water and drain it into another bucket without spilling any water. Needless to say....they were freaked out...imaging having a bucket of ice cold water all over you)

David and I had a blast. It's been such a rewarding experience being able to work with these young people during the transition.

The football game was awesome....some were upset and some were happy. We had both Giants and Patriot fans. (I was kind of leaning toward the Patriots myself) This was the first time I actually enjoyed watching a football game. Of course I drove David nuts asking him every second what was happening. All I see is a bunch of guys jumping on top of a ball and fighting for it. I'm a baseball gal, love the NY Mets!

We were exhausted by the end of the night, but satisfied that everything went well.

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