Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My Birthday Dinner with my Hubby and Children - February 4, 2008

Since my birthday fell on Sunday and we had Student Impact, we delayed my birthday dinner till Monday. It's a tradition in my house....the day of your birthday, you get to choose your favorite meal and have itcooked for you and a homemade cake is made. It's our own little cozy celebration with the four of us.

My husband made me my favorite meal which is "tostones en salsa con biftec (hope I spelled that right). For my gringo friends, it's steak in a red sauce and lots of onions with fried plaintains. It was delicious!!!! My son Andrew helped his father cook and he baked the cake. Jacob help clean the mess afterwards. To me these are the best of times!!!!

I let the boys stayed home from school that day. (since we got home the night before from church at 11:00 p.m. because of the Super Bowl. Also, they had gotten their report card on Friday and they both had first honors!!! So they deserved a reward.) So I told them they can stay home. David had the day off also. After we ate, we watched a movie together as a family. I couldn't ask for a better birthday present than spending time with my family. God is Good!!

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