Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Month of March

The month of March was a very busy one. My son turned 17, we had party for him. But, the most time consuming and rewarding experience was being part of the new Passion of the King production at our church. (Crossroads Community Cathedral). Over 500 hundred people were saved. It was sooo awesome to see the church packed each night we had a performance. I count myself blessed to have been part of this outreach.

It was very tiring, especially the last two weeks leading up to opening night, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. It was a small price to pay to be able to see people coming to the Kingdom of God. Here are some pictures from the production:

We also had lots of fun at the practices. I was able to establish more friendships and got to know sisters in Christ that I knew "casually". Since our church has 3 services, sometimes it's hard to get to know people more intimately! This was a great opportunity to have conversations and learn from one another.
Picture above are Amy Volz, Brianna Menard and me.
Picture to your right is Crystalynn Rivera.
Pictured below is me and my crazy "little" cousin Carlos Acevedo!!

Picture to your left is my Jonathan Jacques playing Jesus. And above is wonderful Heather Starkey playing Mary, the mother of Jesus. We had lots of fun before it was time to get down and get to some serious acting.

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