Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Angel Resto's Retirement Party - April 4, 2008

There are many people in my life that have a special place in my heart...but there are a few that have completely stolen my heart with their unconditional love and unconditional support through good times and bad times. Angel and his wife Ginny are one of those people. I have known them all my life. We were raised in the same church.

These special people also were beside David and I as we said "I do". Angel was our Best Man and Ginny was the Matron of Honor. We chose them because they are older than us, not by much, but they have imparted to us so much wisdom on how to keep a matrimony "alive" and get through hard times. They have been our mentors for so many years. They are truly Godly people who live their lives according to the Word. I babysat all three of their daughters, whom are all married (yikes...that ages me.....;-) Married over 30 years...they still act like honeymooners!!!

I had the priviledge of taking pictures at Angel's retirement party. We had a ball. Most of my physical and spiritual family were there. What a wonderful celebration!!! He deserved it all.
Here we are taking a few steps on the dance floor! Salsa.....

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