Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My Baby Turns 17!

The day my son Andrew was born (Saturday, March 9th 1991 @ 9:20 a.m.) was one of the most happiest day of my life! When I held him I couldn't believe God had blessed me with a son and I was actually a mother. You see, I thought I was not going to be able to have children. I had gone through some procedures to see if I was able to conceive. The doctor gave me and David a clean bill of health, so I didn't understand why it wasn't happening.

My first pregnancy was a miscarriage at 12 weeks. I remember it was 4 days before Christmas. I came home from the hospital and went to my stocking on the fireplaced and pull out a little baby stocking I had put in mind. I was soooooo devasted! I cried for so many months, went into a deep depression and lost all hope of becoming a mom. I prayed everyday to God to open my womb like He did to Sarah, Rachel, Hannah and Elizabeth from the Bible.

That day, the day I held him in my arms, I first gave thanks to my awesome God who heard my cries and wants. He he was my baby boy. I will be very honest...I didn't think he was a cute baby....I even told the doctor my baby was ugly....yes I did....I said that, but he was my baby and he was healthy and that's all that mattered.

It's seems like yesterday, but here we are 17 years later seeing our baby boy turning into a handsome, wonderful young man. He has been a blessing to us. I always tell him that every year on his birthday it's a reminder to me on how God is faithful to his children and grants them their hearts desires and answers prayers. Thank you Lord! I give glory and honor.

On the day of his birthday...David and I made his favorite meal and I baked a cake (out of box...not from scratch...duh..). I couldn't find regular candles. I found the candles we used for Jacob's 12th I put those on his cake....he got a kick out of it. The following week we gave him a birthday party with our family and friends!
Here are a few of my favorite pictures of his first year of life!

1 comment:

Elerrina said...

aww Aileen, that was beautiful..i remember going to visit him a few weeks after he was born...i think there's a pic floating around somewhere, i was sittin on the couch with abuela. time flies!