Saturday, May 10, 2008

Lights, Camera, Action....Disney Hollywood Studios

When I last left you, we were on our way to Disney's Hollywood Studies (formerly known as MGM). I was very excited because today was the day my son arrive with his band mates. We were going to meet at them at MGM. We got up bright and early (Jacob was back to his old self after 13 hours of sleep). David and I were still tired because we went to bed late as usual. It was a nice cool sunny day and we were ready to hit all the attractions. Last time we had been at MGM, Jacob was only four years old and was afraid of everything.

The first thing we wanted to do was the Tower of Terror...on the way there I saw the Beauty and Beast show was about to start. Belle is my favorite Disney princess and I love the movie Beauty and the Beast. I begged the guys to let me see the show first and then go on the rides.....of course, the conceded and I enjoyed the show so much. I took 200 pictures!
After the show we went to the Tower of Terror....I love these rides.....they are s0 thrilling! I was excited to go on the rides with Jacob. After the Tower of Terror we went to the Rockin' Roller Coaster ride. Boy, that was an adventure! It's a indoor rollercoaster with Rock music blaring as you go through twists and turns. I was so proud of Jacob....he was doing so well with the rides. (I think his least favorite was the Tower of Terror ;-).

At midday, we finally caught up with our other beloved son! I was so happy to see him....I couldn't stop hugging him. (I know...I know it was just two days we hadn't seen him, but to was eternity. I felt whole as a family again. As much fun as we were having (the 3 of us), I missed Andrew. It didn't feel complete.

The rest of the day was awesome! We saw the Mickey Mouse Fantasmic Show and had dinner at the coolest restaurant. The restaurant was called "Sci Fi". It was an indoor movie theater/restaurant. The tables were cars and the movies were old science fiction movies. It was a great experience, not to mention the food was delicious!!!

Off to Epcot tommorow.....! (below are some more pictures for you to enjoy)

Sci Fi Restaurant

Fantasmic Show!!!!


Joe & Nina Cruz said...

Happy Mother's Day....God Bless.


Anonymous said...

WOW! I did not know they changed MGM's name. Sounds like so much fun and I just LOVE that rockin rollin roller coaster it's my favorite! I'm planning to spend the whole summer in Florida. I cannot wait!

Elerrina said...

you're making me soooo jealous!!! Tower of Terror is my fave Disney ride, with Mount Everest (or is it Everest expedition) right behind.