Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mother's Day Weekend!!!

I had a wonderful, exhausting Mother's Day Weekend! Our church hosted a mother/daughter celebration on Saturday. This is a tradition at the church everywhere. I don't have a daughter, but as someone told me.....I'm the daughter of the KING!!!! So I enjoy other mother's with their daughters on this special day. My boys usually help serve food with my husband and other the other men in the church.

This year I had the priviledge of being asked to be the "host" of our special guest that was coming to speak. I was thrilled because the guest was Lisa Welchel, known as "Blair" from the 80's sitcom "Facts of Life". I was a big fan of that show, so I was excited to meet her let alone be able to host her and make sure she had every need meet.

She arrived with her husband Friday night and David and I took her to dinner (compliment of the church) along with Arleen Carrasquillo and her husband Frank. We spend a wonderful night getting to know each other and talking about each others families. Lisa has 3 teenagers in high school. Her oldest graduates this year from high school and is heading of to college.

Get ready to laugh, because I have a story to tell you:

The next day I had to pick her up at the hotel and have her at church by 12:00 p.m. Well let me tell you that I had the most embarrassing thing happen to me. (Lisa will never forget who I am). I was getting ready to leave to pick up Lisa when I decide to have some cereal before I left. I took the milk out of the refrigerator and proceeded to pour the milk and the bowl. I don't know what happen next.....all I remember is that I finished pouring the milk and was in the process of putting back in the fridge when it slip out of my hand and fell on the floor. I screamed because all the milked pour out onto the floor. No one was home to help me pick it up....I looked at the clock and realized I had to clean up the floor quick....I was freaking out. I was using everything I could get my hands on to clean the milk up. I almost slipped and fell with all the running around getting towels or any thing I can get my hand on. I picked up most of it and decided to leave it and clean it up when I got back.

I left quickly because I realize time was closing in. Arleen had told me that Lisa was staying at the Marriot Hotel (The Courtyards) by Bobs. I don't know what when she said Bobs I thought of the furniture store. I went down to where Bobs furniture is and I didn't see the hotel. I called Arleen and she told me it was not Bob's the furniture store.....it was Bob's the department store. Duh......I go up that way so many times and never did I noticed the Marriott Hotel.

Well, the best is yet to come. I was freaking out because the time was already 11:48 p.m. I am an on time person and also I hate to wait when someone tells me that they're going to pick me up at a certain time and then they're late. So here I am picking up Lisa pass the time I was supposed to pick her up. I finally got to the hotel and spotted her in the lobby waiting. I was so upset at myself for being so inept when normally I'm pretty good at these things. Whe she spotted my car she waved and came out of the lobby with her suitcase. I stopped the car (or so I thought) and got out to help her with the suitcase. When I go to the trunk she tells me "Aileen, the car is moving! All I could say is Oh My Lord.....the car is moving. I started to run so I could jump into the drivers seat and was not an easy task to do. In the meantime, I hear Lisa...screaming "hit the brakes" and me telling her an"I'm trying to get in the car first." I finally got in the car d my foot was trying to find the brakes. In the meantime Lisa is starting to shout louder...."hit the brakes". I finally hit the brakes and put the car in park just when I hit the curb of the sidewalk. (ok.......you can stop laughing.....my husband told me it was one of my Lucille Ball moment.....He says I remind him of Lucy a lot). I was so embarrased!!!! I kept apologizing to Lisa and she was just giggling and telling me not to worry - things happened. I was mortified to say the least. All the way to the church I was apologizing telling her that had never, in my 25 years of driving. Like I said, she will never forget me and probably will talk about it at another speaking engagement. This definitely is up there as one of my most embarrassing moments.

Well, we got to church safe and sound and the rest of the day was great. She spoke so well and 12 people accepted the Lord as their personal savior.

Another highlight of the night was at the 5:00 service at church, 3 babies were being dedicated to the Lord and I was one of the ministers who got to hold one. The babies were soooooo cute. I tell you when I hold a baby all my maternal instincts just come flooding back to me. They are so soft and cuddly and wonderful *sigh*. Such a delight.

Sunday, Mother's Day was a beautiful Day. I didn't want to go to a restaurant to eat because they get so crowed on Mother's Day. I wanted to just spend time with David and my boys at home and eat my favorite dinner and watch some movies as a family. Normally, I go down to Bridgeport to be with my mom. I decided not to go down this year because the last two Mother's Day in Bridgeport were for depressing for me. I still miss my grandmother sooooo much and I always use go visit her with my mom on Mother's Day and spend the afternoon with her. The last two use I was visiting her gravesite and I ended up not feeling well afterwards because I was holding my emotions in for my mom and my aunts who obviously were hurting so badly because their mom was gone. I would come home at night and cry because it was so sad not having her here any more. My mother and my aunts were not themselves on that day.

This year I decided to stay in East Hartford and try not be depressed and enjoy my day with my husband and my boys. I did call my mom and all my aunts to see how they were doing.

My wonderful hubby cooked my favorite meal and my boys and I watch home videos of when they were little......we were laughing at some of their antics and oh how I missed them being that small. But, I count myself so blessed to have a wonderful husband and two young men who are so good to me and are wonderful!

Thank you Lord for your many blessings. Undeserving am I, but your mercy is ever present.....I praise you!!!!!

1 comment:

Elerrina said...

that's so cool about Lisa! great story though..that was a duh moment. lol. and my mom and the aunts were cool this year. we went to maritza's new place and it was nice. maritza was surprisingly upbeat and strong considering she was going to the hospital the next day.