Monday, May 26, 2008

National Junior Honors Society

I am so proud of my son Jacob, who was inducted into the National Junior Honors Society on May 15th. Talking about a gushing proud mom......that would be me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here he is taking the Honor Society pledge (third from left, front row). The girl at the far left is Ashley Clancy, her and Jacob have been going to school together since Kindergarten!

Jacob is a such a good boy. I have been blessed with a wonderful, loving, caring, kind-hearted, young man. The teachers all love him and want to clone him. I told them that that would make teaching non-challenging for them.

To hear such accolades about my son makes me more grateful to my God from whom all blessings flow. I have to give God all the honor and glory!!!! Undeserving that I am, He has blessed me with two great boys!!!

Here he is receiving his "pin of honor"

I look horrible in this picture, but I'm the proud mama. (I know, so vain, not about me, blah, blah, blay....whatever!)

1 comment:

Amy said...

Way to go Jacob!!!! You must be very proud. You've done a beautiful job with your boys and I really appreciate all of your encouragement. Your comment on my post was very sweet.