Friday, June 13, 2008

Sad News!

When we got back on Sunday from the retreat, I had an urgent message waiting for me. My friend's 19 year old son had died from a tragic car accident on Saturday. How sad!!!! This young man was so full of life and was a good kid.

Here is a picture of him. I took this picture at Adriana's Quinceanero (sweet 15). He was her cousin. He had the privilege of being her escort for her special day. He had such a good time that day. I love Adriana as if she were my own daughter. She is taking this very hard. Has been crying non-stop since his death. Continue to pray for this family!

Rest in Peace with The Lord!
Edwin S. Rivera

You will be missed!!

1 comment:

Elerrina said...

Wow, that is sad. I hate to hear of any young kid dying, especially a good kid. did i know them btw? he doesnt look familiar.