Monday, September 29, 2008

Hellooooo Everyone.....I'm Back

Hello my friends.....I know, I haven't posted on my blog in like forever. This summer was a very busy one and August was an interesting month.

Well, it's September and fall is world is starting to slow down a bit, so here I am attempting to catch up with my blogging.

I spent last night catching up on all my friends blogs. I have to say Jules, I spent almost an hour reading your blogs. They are like reading a novel, very entertaining and draining! (love you girl)!

Let me see, where I shall begin.......

In July, I spent two weeks in Rumney, New Hampshire at SNED Youth Camp. It was our first year at the beautiful new location at White Mountain. For the past 4 years youth camps were held at Zion Bible College campus. It had more of a college feel than a "camp" feel. Well, not at New was the real deal. There were sightings of a bear, coyote and moose! EEKS
The first week was Senior High Camp (grades 9-12th). I had the opportunity to be on the camp staff and did not lead any of the teams. It was a wonderful experience being able to be part of "behind the scenes". It certainly was more stressful for me because I had not done this part of camp before. On the other hand it was rewarding to see how many hours are put in to make sure when those kids arrive at camp, everything is running smoothly. The day of registration, I had to make sure every medical form, waiver, parental permission slip, etc.....was on file. It was hard to tell some of the kids they couldn't participate the first day because we didn't have any of the aforementioned on file. They had to contact their parent and have any missing material faxed to us ASAP.

As the week progressed, it got better. I assisted the Dean of Counselors for the girls. We had the "wonderful" job of enforcing the lights outs rule, dress code and helping stressed out counselors. What a hair raising experience.One of the floors at the girls cabin had about 50 girls....endless rows of bunk beds. I called it the "hen" house. Talk about noise......there was a whole lot of "clucking" going on. It actually took us an hour to finally settle down about 100+ girls.

Girls are such drama queens.....Lord have mercy!!!! And did I mention, sloppy......I couldn't believe how sloppy girls can be. Not in my generation.....I was raise to be clean, neat and always take care of what is mine and what is not mine. It seems that this generation has no care in the world. I was surprise at the hygiene carelessness. I do not want to go into details, but it was gross.

One night, we went up to do lights out and check up. We found two bathrooms clogged with rolls of toilet paper stuff in them.....overflowing. Girls were not listening their counselors, blatantly disobey rules, etc.... We immediately went into damage control. It was exhausting. Danielle and I had to be the first ones up and the last ones to bed. We had to make sure everyone single girl was asleep before we went to bed.

The week ended wonderfully. The Lord moved in the services and just seeing many youth praising the Lord in one place is awesome.....well worth the "no sleep".

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