Monday, September 29, 2008

Jr. High Camp - July 2008

Well, I survived Senior High Camp and had 24 hours at home to rest, wash my laundry and repack before I head back to New Hampshire.

I was off to Junior High Camp, but this time David came along. I was exited because we were going to be Team leaders together! I have been to 5 youth camps and I always wanted David to experience at least one of them. It was also our son, Jacob's first year at youth camp......time goes by quick. We were glad we were there to experience it with him. We asked him how he felt about his parents going. We were surprised to hear him say he was glad we were going. (I think he was a little nervous about the transition from children's camp to youth camp)

We had a wonderful time! The kids were great. Jr. high kids are more flexible than the seniors, but they also can be a little bit more whinny. We know the transition was tough for some of them. At youth camps they really have the kids do a lot of physical activities. They drain them along with their counselors. I was so happy that I was able to keep up with them. I'm 29 years old and trying to keep up with those 12, 13 & 14 years is pretty serious business (hey, what at you laughing at) lol.

This time around I was in a room with 10 girls. Talk about boy drama. It seems thats all they talked about. I had a good group of girls. There was two in particular who couldn't control their "opposite sex" hormones. I literally had to chase one down all the time and every time, I new exactly where to look, the skate boarding park. I asked her what was the main purpose she came to camp, was it to look for God or to look for boys. She answered very frank...."both". I just started to laugh because she was being honest. I told her to try to keep a healthy balance and let God be first.

Well, one night we were having girl talk in our room. The girls start talking about "undies". One girl ask another if they ever wore thong undies. The girl replied no. Another girl answered by stating that she wore thongs all the time. I look at the girl and told her she was toooo young to be wearing those kind of undies. She asked me if I wore them. I told her I a couple of them and but didn't wear them often. She asked me if they were comfortable. I admit that they were.

I proceed to tell all the girls about what happened to me the first time I wore them. (I told them that I was going to tell them the story because it was funny, but I was in no way condoning or telling them it was right for them to wear them at such a young age.) I continue to tell the story because they wanted to hear a funny story. I told them the first time I wore a thong I was surprised how comfortable they were. I wore stockings the first day I wore them. I came home from church rushing to the bathroom because I had to go really bad. Ipulled down my stockings and started to urinate....when I suddenly realized that I had forgotten to take off my thong. I thought I had nothing on, that's how comfortable they felt. hehehehehehehe. The girls couldn't stop laughing!

The rest of the week went well until Thursday nite. The services all week had been awesome!!! The young people definitely enjoy each and everyone of the them. Well, at Thursday's service, Pastor Toby, the guest speaker for the week ask for some students to go up front and say something funny about their counselor that they learn that week. All my girls jump out of their seat wanting to be picked so they can say their story. I was wondering what they were so anxious to say. I thought to myself "maybe they want to tell everyone that I had Blues Clues bed sheets on my bed and told them that I love Blue.

One of the girls from my team got picked to tell a story.

Much to my embarrassment, the young lady started to tell the story of the 'THONG". OH MY LORD!!!!! I jumped up from my seat and told Pastor Toby STOP HER. Pastor Toby thought I was joking and let her continue until she said the word "undies" and "thong". He started laughing so hard and said...."OK...GO TELL TINA FIRST AND SHE'LL JUDGE IF WE SHOULD CONTINUE WITH THE STORY (Tina is Pastor Tim's wife, the district youth president) She came to me hysterically laughing and I told her not to say the story. She went upfront and said "I'm sure Mrs. Castillo will tell you the story after the service is finished, it is funny." Needless to say, I was bombarded after the service Thursday nite and all day Friday by every kid at camp! These things only happen to me!!!

I was so proud of my husband David....He a speaker at one of the morning sessions. He did a skit about Indiana Jones and based his sermon on serving Jesus is the ultimate adventure! The youth loved it!

To wrap up, we had a exhausting but wonderful time with the young people. I can't believe I survived two weeks of little sleep and continuous activities......

Jacob won a skate board from this wonderful couple who have a ministry called They have a portable skate park they use to minister to the youth!


Elerrina said...

LOLOL....that is too funny! i love that the pastor was so cool about it.

Momagoose said...

super-cool! Man, you can jump! :O) love that pic!

Momagoose said...

lol!!!!!!!! :o)