Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Baby Turns "13"

I cannot believe how fast time goes. It seems to me it was just the other day that I held Jacob in my arms in the hospital after having a very complicated labor. The joy of being able to hold my baby is indescribable!

Today, September 30, 2008 he became an official "teenager". I am not going to lie, while I'm happy God has granted my son another year of life and good health, I was sad to see that my baby is no longer a baby. A new phase for him and for us, his parents. We have been blessed with such a wonderful son. He is so kind, considerate, lovable and wonderfully respectful.

It's tradition, the day of your birthday you get your favorite meal cooked and a homemade cake! (His brother Andrew made the cake). Just the four of us celebrating each other's birthday.

I picked up Jacob at school. I surprised him and picked him up at 12:30 (1/2 day). I took him shopping for his official party on Saturday and he picked out his birthday present. I wasn't feeling good at all today, but I put my best foot foward for my baby!

I Thank God everyday for my boys; they are the best gift that God has given me. Children are a blessing from the Lord!


Elerrina said...

wow, no more babies! these kids are growing up way too fast!
by the way, that cake looks delish!

Momagoose said...

Hey Aileen!!! I am so glad you are back! You look so young in these pics... after all you ARE 29, right! :o) Hope you are doing well and hope to run into you soon!

Bethany G. said...

Wow Aileen! I didn't know you blogged! I've had a blog for three years now but have recently started a new one as we have a new phase in our life. It's so much fun! Look forward to reading yours!

Bethany G. said...

Hey Aileen! I didn't know you blogged! I've been doing it for three years now but more recently started a brand-new one. It's so much fun! Looking forward to reading yours!

Lola said...

I've had this blog for almost two year...but I haven't written anything since September. I have three months to catch up! I wold love to read yours...send me the link!