Friday, April 17, 2009

My Son....the next Steven Spielberg!

Andrew mentioned two weeks ago that he had to do a class project for History class. They are studying WWII, in particular Hitler. He told us he had asked his teacher if he could do it in Video form....his teacher readily agree. He mentioned to us the ideas he had and we told him "Go for it honey." Well, all week last and this week, between the play and school, I had been observing him cutting a cardboard box...redoing one of his model cars, and several other things!

One day, I went into the guess room , I saw him sewing something....I asked him what was he sewing? I was so amaze when he showed me he was doing the Robin outfit from the old Batman movies. I told him it looked kind of small for him and he said it was for Jacob. lol. As for the Batman suit, he had us go to several party stores and he couldn't find it. I told him to go online and order it.

Well, I could not believe it when he showed me the final version of the video!!!! We don't have the best Video editing software, since I'm not into videos but pictures, so he had slim pickins to work with. But I couldn't believe how creative and imaginative he his. (it really shouldn't surprise me because when he was little he would build cities out of legos...he love legos when he was younger and he still loves them....he would play with them for hours and end up building his own creations out of them).

Well here is the video so you all can enjoy it as much as David and I have. We're actually are lying in bed and rewinding the video over and over again. It's so rewarding to see our children coming into their own and at the same time knowing they are not babies anymore and how they have become their own "person".....

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