Thursday, April 16, 2009

NYC on Monday!

Sarah had been wanting to go back to NYC, especially to Chinatown to buy some purses before she leaves for Texas. We had been planning to go since the beginning of March...but something would come up that we couldn't make it. Finally, we were able to go on the Monday after Easter.

I drove my van down to my dad's house in Trumbull, CT, he then drove us to the train station. We got to NYC about 12:30 p.m and headed straight to Chinatown (Canal Street). I had promised Sarah to get her a purse for her birthday and her mother wanted her to get one for her.

Sure sign you have arrived at Chinatown! lol

We got to Canal Street and went straight to look for the purse vendors. Now the purses we get are the Coaches, Dolce and Cabana, Prada, Dooney and Burke, Gucci...etc. If you have not experience going into Chinatown to get these purses, you have not lived! lol. They actual take you through a secret door, which leads to a secret hall way, some with stairs to go down to the basement, some not. They take you to a room and the room is filled wall to wall with all kinds of purses. Some places also have Jewelry and Watches.....Before they let you go back up, they radio the person in the front of the store to see if it's safe to bring us back up. Cops sometimes raid these small places because it's illegal to sell these items.

I ended up buying Sarah a purse that she absolutely feel in love with (dolce and cabana). She got her mother a gucci and bought herself a coach! I brought a beautiful white gucci for the summer. I thought of buying my mom a purse also, since her birthday is next week. But I decided not to because my mother and I are the same...we have sooo many purses.

After we finish shopping, Sarah was starving (she had to feed little peanut). We ended up having lunch a quaint little restaurant in Little Italy. It was wonderful. I felt like I was actually in Italy!

After, lunch we had back to midtown. We decided to go sights that Sarah had not been able to see in her previous visits.

On our way to Rockefeller, we came across the famous "Waldorf Astoria" Hotel.

I took her to Rockerfellar Center and to St. Patrick's Cathedral. (My cousin, Jason, Carlos' brother works at the Rock Cafe...down by the skating ring....I was bummed because he was not scheduled to work that day :-(
I was surprise that they still had the skating rink and not the restaurants out in the open!

We crossed the street to go to St. Patricks Cathedral. I have gone to St. Pat's so many times, but the beauty of it never gets old. Such beautiful architecture and the stained glass windows amaze me! Sarah was in awe of everything.....especially the piped organ!

Front entrance doors...

Took the picture from the entrance of the church.

The beautiful Pipe Organ...

Stained glass windows...

The Altar.....

Sarah was in such awe of the Cathedral that she decided to stay for the Mass! Oy vey....why, or why....they are soooooooooo boring. When I was a little girl, I would sometimes stay over my cousin's house for the weekend and they would go to Mass on Saturday evenings and I would get dragged along. If it wasn't for the "stand up, sit down, kneel down....stand up, sit down, kneel down routinr" I would have fallen asleep! Anyways, we stayed until they started the communion and I started to sing pretty loud......"I know it was the Blood, I know it was the Blood, I know it was the Blood for me..........One day when I was lost He died upon that cross, I know it was the blood for me".....she immediately said....OK Aileen let's!

We got home around 11:30 p.m and I was very happy that I was able to spend the last day together in NYC doing girly stuff.....*sniff* My friend forever Sarah....I will miss you dearly!