Thursday, April 16, 2009

Resurrection Weekend!!

On Good Friday, we did our last performance of the Passion of the King! My aunts and cousins came up to see the play! I'm always stoked when I get to see family....especially when they live in North Carolina. I don't get to see them as often as I'd like. It was an extra treat to have my mom's two younger sister come up together.

Jacob had asked if Jacob Leamy could sleep over the house on Friday night. Both Jacobs are great friends and they love to sleep over each other's house. Well, at 4:00 a.m in the morning, Jacob Leamy woke up running to the bathroom to upchuck! Of course I didn't hear anything....(David tells me a bomb can hit the house and I wouldn't know it hit) Whatever! Anyway, David got up and help Jacob L. to the bathroom. At around 7:00 a.m., my Jacob gets up to upchuck too! He quite didn't make it to the bathroom, he left a trail down the hall and into the bathroom. (Mind you, I'm still not aware that this is all going on and David decides to let me sleep and not tell me anything). When I woke up...I woke up to the smell of Pinesol. I walked out of my room and I see that David had mopped the hall and the bathroom. I knew something was up because I'm usually the one who mops around the house. I asked David what possessed him to mop and he told me about the boys throwing up! He also said that he had called Joyce to let her know about Jake. Joyce told him that Caity was up all night throwing up and that her niece(who was visiting and staying over) had gotten up early in the morning to throw up also.....A STOMACH VIRUS...GREAT! UGH! We were suppose to go to my cousin Carlos' house for Easter dinner that day.

We decided to go to Carlos' house anyway, since his sisters and nephews came up from NC and my aunt was cooking. We left Jacob in bed...he had develop a slight fever. Joyce came and picked up her Jacob and off we went to Carlos and Rosies.

We had a wonderful dinner.....I love my aunt's food...she cooks soooooo good. Yum! After dinner, we had a Easter egg hunt for the younger kids. I kept on telling Carlos that he was not hiding the eggs good enough. I told him that the kids were going to find them fast. He told me not to be fool by "those little ones"....they may look smart, but their not.....he's so mean! LOL....boy when those kids came downstairs and started looking for the eggs, they were having a hard time to find them....I couldn't believe it. I guess Carlos was right...hahahahahaha. I decided to help them and give them hints and....boy did I get chastized by Carlos and his sister Lisa....geez...(I still did it with out my cousins seeing me....hehehehehe). I helped them by giving them hints....for example....they hid an egg on the back of the chair my aunt was sitting on. I told Caleb...."go give Grandma a bit hug and kiss" found the egg!

We had a wonderful day, but I felt soooo bad my baby was home in bed! (also, I forgot my camera and I didn't get pictures.....wuah....wuah...:0(

On Sunday morning, we went to church and enjoyed the service! I especially love when they sang "Celebrate Jesus C'mon." Now that's what I'm talking We were suppose to go to Stratford, to my brothers house, but with Jacob under the weather we dediced to stay home. Jacob just wanted to go back to bed and Andrew was also exhausted and need to work on a school project.

David and I decided to go by the Shulls' and leave the boys home resting....

My wonderful family:

My baby girls, Savannah and Makynzie

My boys and girls!

The Shulls!

My cousins, Carlos and Rosalie

The Gang!

The girls hunting for their eggs.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These gringas look so happy! Cute!