Friday, July 2, 2010

I need to get back to blogging really bad!!!

The last time I blogged was May of 2009. So many things and changes have happened in my life since last May. I need to start writing my inner thoughts on my blog. I am need an outlet to release what goes on in my mind and heart and how I truly feel! Lately, I've been getting so frustrated by things that I wouldn't given a second thought years ago. I don't its because of what I experienced during my health crisis or because I'm at that stage in life where I have finally reach maturity and I see everything in a different light or because I'm currently in full blown menopause.

Anyway, I hope this is the first of many entrances in this blog. Whoever reads my blog, please do not judge me when I truly express my feelings. I'm just being REAL! I am not a sugar coater and pretend that my life is picture perfect. I like to express myself honestly. Thats just who I am and should be accepted for it. One thing I know for sure is that I have a passion in my heart to serve Him in truthfully....I love God with all my heart, mind, soul! He is my everything....and I desire to teach, preach and speak His Word wholeheartedly to those who don't know Him, to those who knew him and have left and to the congregants of His church who are "masked christians."

I'll finish for now...but I have so much to say....but don't know where to start! So, until I get my thoughs straight...I'll be posting some deep, inner thoughts. lol


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