Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Valentine's Day - February 14, 2008

The day to celebrate love. I woke up this morning.....everyone was gone. My kids were at school,my husband at work. I went to the kitchen and to my surprise, a bouquet of flowers; a stuffed animal; a bag full of hershey's kisses and cards from my hubby and my sons. I jumped up and down with glee.....I felt so loved!!!!!

The stuffed bird had a heart that said "you drive me cuckoo".

I think I do drive my hubby and kids "cuckoo" in many ways.....but they love me!!!

I am so blessed to have the husband that I have. David was chosen for me the day God created me. We compliment each other in many ways. We both love the Lord above all and that makes us love each other more.

I am doubly bless to have the sons God gave me. God gave me Andrew and Jacob, literally. I thought I wasn't going to be bless with children and so I prayed everyday, just like the many women in the Bible who were barren. God answered my prayers. Everytime I'm reminded of God's promised blessings and answered prayers when I look at them. (There are days when they do get on my nerves...:-) But, I wouldn't trade them for the world!!

I am truly a blessed woman....loved by the most important people in my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww That's awesome! I'm glad you had a good Valentines Day! Love you and can't wait to see you guys when I get back.