Sunday, March 22, 2009


Hey everyone....what a weekend. It seems I get exhausted so much energy level is not where it use to be. I def need to start exercising to get my levels back up!!! I know part of it is when I'm PMSing now, I feel so even lifting my hands is a task. I'm getting wicked headaches, pain in my lower back, and everything else I can't think of right now. I know a lot has to do with my Endomyosis (enlarged uterus). It's not getting any better. I had an ultrasound in February and it seems like my Fibroids are getting larger and the pain in my ovaries is excrutiating at time. I have a consultation with my Doctor in April, don't know what the next step is. Keep me in you're prayers.

Well back to my "diatribe." I have so many more things to say, but one things for sure I will continue to serve God as He as instructed me to do.

I need to catch up with the posts I intended to post since last year......

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