Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Rehearsals, Rehearsals, Rehearsals.....

As you all know, I am part of the Easter Production at our church "The Passion of the King." I love being part of plays, dramas, etc...., but it is so draining when you have to be at all those rehearsals. Mind you, I have been doing this since I was a little girl at my old church in Bridgeport. We always put on productions, for Christmas and Easter. I remember staying till 1:00 a.m in the morning, everyday, the last week before the night of the performance......now it seems like my age is catching up! I came home so tired!

This has been the biggest production I have been in! I was talking to one of my fellow cast members and telling them about how I miss our Christmas play "The Richest Man in The Valley." The cast was much smaller, more intimate and it seem we all got along and rooted for each other and the cammaraderie was so much fun! I think that's whats so draining about the POTK....there all so many cast members that it is near impossible to feel that closeness and commaraderie.

Anyway, I do it because I know people who come to see it get saved and those who knew him and left him come back after they see how our Jesus died for our sins. I also love to be in plays!

Here I am helping my husband with his stage makeup....He plays King Herod!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

David must of been a MEAN Herod!!! Awesome!