Sunday, April 5, 2009

Can't Sleep....ugh!

It is 3:18 in the morning and I can't fall asleep! I hate when this happens to me.... It's been happening lately quite frequently, which is weird because I've always been able to sleep straight through the night. I tossed and turned for an 1 1/2 and decide to open my laptop. I don't want to put the light on because the girls are sleeping over and I don't want them to wake up! Sigh....I need my rest. I have to get up for church in the morning and then be rested for the 3rd performance of "The Passion of the King."

It's been awesome the last two night! The energy that I feel when I'm on stage singing those songs is so awesome. Every single word that I sing....I feel it way down to the depth of my soul. I feel the Holy Spirit in such a powerful way! It's like I'm not acting anymore, but preaching God's Word through the just can't put it in words. I just want every single person in the audience to feel the same conviction I'm feeling about God's wonderful mercy and love. It is very exhausting and takes every single morsel of strength out of my....or but what a joy!

The POTK has been a wonderful distraction for me because of the fact that I haven't been able to dwell on the sadness I was feeling a couple of weeks ago. My good friends, Sarah and Robb are moving back to Texas the last week of April. The news hit me like a punch in the gut! I really had not realize how attached I had become to them....especially the girls....Makynzie and Savannah. I literally cried for days. I keep telling God, "why am I crying so much for a family who has only been in my life for a year? But my tears just keep flowing. Sarah became like a sister.....the sister I never had. And even though she is much younger that me (I can actually be her mother), I connected with her in a way that it felt like I knew her for years. And the girls....oh the girls. They definitely became an integral part of my life....I never thought I could love children that are not blood family, as much as I love these girls. They stole my heart completely and now there leaving and I'm already feeling a void in my life.....a hole that will take a long time to fill!

The place that they are going is Dilley, TX....pop. 3000. I said to them that I would not be visiting them to a place where it seems like it's a deserted and forsaken place. I am totally a city girl. Born and raise in the City! I don't like country....

Well, to my surprise, I decided to drive down with them to Dilley (4 or 5 day car trip). I know that I need to do this for closure. I need to visually see where they will be living and especially visualize where the girls will be playing and going to church so when I talk to them....I can vizual in my mind and know exactly what they are talking about. I know it's still going to be heart wrenching when I have to say goodbye and get on the plane all by myself and not know when I will be seeing them again.

I haven't been able to dwell on this for the past two week because of the play....Thank you Lord for this distraction.

I will definitely will be blogging about my "road trip" to Dilley, Texas and letting y'all know what I'm experiencing as I go along each state....

Well it's, now almost 4:30 a.m. and I really need to try to get some kind of sleep! Until next time. God bless!

Some pixs from the weekend sleepover!

I put the girls to sleep on a mattress on the floor by my bed.

They somehow convince me to let them get in bed with me until the movie "is over." There have been times where they have fallen asleep and I don't move them back to the mattress, but I end up almost falling off the bed and getting up in the middle of the night to go to the mattress on the floor to sleep! Poor Dave gets booted to the guest room....

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