Friday, April 25, 2008

Disney World - Part 1

As some of you know, we went to Disney World last week. The main reason we went was to accompany my son Andrew and his band mates. East Hartford High School was invited to go to Disney World to play and march in their parade at the Magic Kingdom. It was so awesome to see 150 wonderful kids with smiles on their faces marching down Main St. USA.

The Lord answered my prayers by giving me such wonderful weather. It was in the 60's and low 70's. The highest it got was 75, but it was breezy soooo it didn't feel hot. You could see a lot of disappointed people wearing jackets and wondering what happen to the hot Florida weather. I was so content because I was able to walk all over the park...stand in the long lines without the annoyance of sweat and people's body heat hovering over me. Even my son Jacob was happy.....he doesn't like the heat too much either. David of course was disappointed and looked like the Floridians with jackets and coats. At night, it got I just put my sweatshirt, but I still had my shorts on....hahahaha.

Not only did the band march, but there was also several other musical groups from EHHS that played through out the park. The group "Second Edition" played at the Presidents Hall. Second Edition is a acapella singing group....they sounded awesome. All the kids that went down were very supportive and went to all the events.

The orchestra went also, and played in Tomorrowland at the Starlite Cafe. I was so disappointed at myself because I didn't get to their performance on time to take some pictures. I disappointed a lot of parents that didn't get to go with their kids and I didn't come back with pictures of the orchestra. *Wuah*

The other group that went is called "Jazzapella" . It's a singing choir with dance. They rocked the house.

I didn't know there was so much talent at the East Hartford High Musical Department! I am such a proud mom but even more all the mothers of these talented young people should also be proud....what a group of talented, respectful and polite kids.....Congratulations, to Ms. White, Mrs. Gus, Mr. Diaz, directors of Band and Ensembles. Everywhere they went, airport, airport security, flight attendants, hotel and staff at all the parks we visited, complimented the behavior of these exceptional young people. They were great!!!

I will continue to let you know all about the rest of our trip in upcoming blogs.

If you want to see more pictures of The EHHS Musical groups, go to my website:

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